Boiler Bar performance this Saturday (May 2), 8pm to 2am at 2600 Magnolia at 26th Street in West Oakland ($10 – $20)
I saw Jon Sarriugarte’s “oil punk” show at Makerfaire last year. Instead of seeming “oil punk” (early 20th Century version of 19th Century steampunk I guess), it struck me more of something along the lines of Carnivàle. Not that it was creepy per se, but it just fit in with aesthetics.
monochrom has announced their USA tour. SFBay dates include this Saturday (March 7) at Chez Poulet (3359 Cesar Chavez, SF) and this Wednesday (March 11) at the Fairmont Hotel (170 S Market) in San Jose.
Shane Acker created an animated short a while back about tiny numbered cloth people in a post-apocalyptic world. Tim Burton is turning the short into a full movie.
Visually, it’s amazing, but I think I prefer the original short to the feature. The short doesn’t feature any dialog, and so that adds to the outerworldness of the story. I understand that most people can’t be bothered to watch something with no dialog (even Wall-E had dialog), but dialog forces extraneous notions like backstory, romantic subplots, interpersonal conflicts, that take away from experience the presented world. I’m not saying that these things can’t exist without dialog, they clearly can (well perhaps not backstory), but by using dialog they are brought to the forefront with a sledgehammer. Still, I’m hopeful for the feature.
9, comes out surprsingly enough, 09-09-09. (That’s ten years to the day of the North American Dreamcast release.)
Each Thursday until October 29, San Francisco’s California of Academy of Science (55 Music Concourse Drive, Golden Gate Park) stays open late for Nightlife, a 21 and up evening of booze, music, and science. ($10, 6pm to 10pm)
This is definitely something that I’m going to have to check out.
France’s own Koralie‘s “HAÏKU” show is running all this month at Fifty24PDX (23 NW 5th Avenue, Portland OR). If you’re in or near the city with the world’s first vegan strip club, go and check it out.
Kinetica is running this weekend at London at P3 (35 Marylebone Road) and the aptly named Kinetica Museum (274 Richmond Road)[*]. One of the highlights of the show is Giles Walker‘s “Peep Show” seen above. No word on if Captured By Robots is performing.
See below for a CNN interview with Giles and some other highlights of the show.
[*]: The Kinetica Museum is sponsored by Steorn. You remember them right? They’re the guys with the perpetual motion machine. Let’s just hope that Homer Simpson doesn’t show up